Climate redress in Africa with the IRM of the GCF

14 August 2024

  • Tipo de evento Webinar
  • Participação
    Aberto ao público
  • Date 14 August 2024
  • Localização Virtual

O Mecanismo de Reparação Independente (MIR) trata de queixas de pessoas que acreditam serem afectadas negativamente ou que possam ser afectadas por projectos ou programas financiados pelo Fundo Verde para o Clima (GCF).

To raise awareness about its mission and values in Africa, the IRM is hosting a virtual webinar for civil society organisations and local community leaders. 

The webinar will be in English and interpreted in French and Arabic.

Date: Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Time: 10:00 - 12:00 Lagos / 18:00 - 20:00 Seoul

Register here 


Note: This event is open to the public, and participants will be visible to each other. You can join the meeting anonymously by selecting a guest name of your choice before connecting to the webinar. You also have the option to rename yourself once you're connected to the webinar.